Colloidal Silver for Gout

Colloidal Silver for Gout - Myth or Potential Gout Remedy

I have been seeing many articles written on the benefits of Colloidal Silver  for gout attacks on the internet and as a result I thought I would write this brief article on colloidal silver treatment for gout.

Colloidal Silver has been used in the treatment of gout by relieving pain, and also in treating inflammation and joint mobility.
Silver has a long history of being an antiseptic and disinfectant. The Phoenicians used silver bottles to store wine and vinegar to stop it spoiling. Silver is known to be bioactive and in concentrated forms kills bacteria. Medically silver has been used in the form of colloidal silver, and is used in internal medicine.
Colloidal silver has been used effectively in the treatment of Cancer, HIV and herpes, and now as a treatment for gout. But there are side effects, colloidal silver should not be taken orally due to effects such as “argyria” where the skin becomes blue or bluish grey.

It can have other side effects such as headaches, kidney function issues, stomach issues, fatigue and other skin issues.
It has also not been FDA approved.
When you start searching on the internet about Colloidal Silver and its healing benefits, then you either become a believer or just look at it as a dangerous gout fighting alternative, especially since it is not approved medically and there is not a lot of information and proof in its Gout healing benefits.
In 2002 the Australian Therapeutic Good administration has found there is no legitimate medical use supporting the use of colloidal silver for any medical purpose. The TGA also suggested reducing its availability to the public due to its potential health issues.

colloidal Silver has also been spruced as a dietary supplement, but when you look at the fact’s there really isn’t a need to take it everyday as we don’t require silver to be a major benefit to sustain our body.
It is proving viable as an antiseptic and is used as silver sulfadiazine to dress wounds in a cream form.

Gout can be treated externally, but with Castor Oil packs and heat or cold packs. A few of my colleagues wear silver bracelets to aid in their arthritis and swear that it works. But you can have allergic reactions to wearing silver so you need to tread carefully in this area and any rashes appearing, just stop using the bracelet.
 I would not suggest using Colloidal Silver externally. For internally there are too many alternative treatments for gout that are far safer than taking silver.

Taking Colloidal silver that has been produced electrically is a lot safer than taking the chemically produced form. The chemically produced form was enhanced with a protein which led to silver salts being formed which is highly toxic in high doses, and causes Argyria. (The build up of undissolved silver particles in the tissues)
the dangers also exist with incorrectly prepared Electrically produced or chemically produced Colloidal Silver that contains, Silver oxide, Silver nitrate, Silver chloride.

So if looking at using Colloidal Silver treatment for Gout, then I would look in another direction to be on the safe side.

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Collodal Silver and Gout 
I have gout attacks once or twice a year. I had an attack and I was out of Indomethacin. A jerk Dr wouldn't refill over the phone and I had an entire weekend …

I was healed of stage 4 follicular lymphoma and am 71 years old 
Hello...Two years ago I was diagnosed with F Lymphoma. I had 50 or more cancerous polyps in my sigmoid colon. I went thru 4 courses of Rotuximab chemo. …

Silver is safer for gout treatment than legal drugs Not rated yet
The FDA is run by crooks from big pharma and they don't mind approving unsafe "medications" that harm and kill tens of thousands of people every year. …

Bonnie Not rated yet
I had some silver & out of desperation poured a lot in a bucket h soaked my gout foot. Pain subsided within15 mins. I've soaked b4 without this reaction. …

Athlete's feet and colloidal silver - not for gout Not rated yet
As I listen to Dr Becks you tube videos I really believed all he had said. So I bought all that was necessary to use his protocol under the believe that …

I have used colloidal silver for 10+ years 2 ounces a day no problem Not rated yet
I have used colloidal silver for 10+ years 2 ounces a day internally with out any problems. I still look normal. The famous smurf was making his own …

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Colloidal Silver for Gout

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