Gout and Stress

Gout and stress

I don't know about you but sometimes I believe that during raised mental and emotional times that I have had a bout of Gout appear.

Generally only smaller attacks, but I don't think it is coincidence.

Stress generally is suppressed with a few extra drinks of alcohol and sometimes a few extra feeds of bad food to make one feel better.

My blood pressure would also rise, so would my anger or my sadness.

Now with a raised emotional state in any form also raises the Uric acid levels.. The Number one enemy of Gout..

I have found out that in times of emotional strain we burn up our levels of Pantothenic acid which is a form of Vitamin B ( B5 ).

This acid is required in the excretion process of Uric acid, so a depleted Pantothenic Acid level leads to a potential Gout attack.

Uric acid crystals associated with Gout also activate the NALP3 Inflammasome. ( Cryopyrin ). Part of the Protein family which also includes NALP1, NALP2,and NALP 3.

The reason I mention these inflammasomes is that these protein families can sense stress.
These inflammasomes form and drive any hereditary autoinflammatory syndromes such as Gout an Pseudogout.

MSU crystals have been identified after the release of uric acid dying cells which can then activate the NALP family.

Monosodium urate ( MSU) and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals ( CPPD ) both enhance the engagement of NALP3 Inflammasone.

Sorry its confusing but there is not much out there that is non technical to show Gout and Stress are related.

Now there are a few schools of thought here with regards to " If Gout and Stress " are actually related.

One says this is not associated at all others seem to regards that stress is a major factor.

You have to be the judge of this because only you know how your body functions, but I believe you have to be more aware of how your body works with regards to Gout and you need to look deeply or keep a record of when your attacks occur. Because after all the way to maintain Gout is by learning what triggers it in the first place.

We are all different in what triggers a Gouty attack.

I believe that Stress has brought on my bouts from time to time, so when I am stressing out at work then I drink plenty of fluids and occasionally take a multi vitamin with Vitamin B5 in it.

I have added a section below for anyone that has or can relate to stress related gout, feel free to send an article in to me and I will add it to this page.

Do you have a story about Gout and Stress and how it affects you?

Please feel free to add your own story on Gout and stress! You may know of a Vitamin or a cure that you use or just a story you can relate to the readers of this site.

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Mysterious Reason Behind Gout 
Sometimes I believe that you can diagnose your case better than any doctor and this what exactly happened with me. I'm suffering from high uric acid …

Four and stress 
I completely agree with you! I am stressed to the max trying to sell my house! And my gout flared up! I've experienced it every time I stressed! …

Stress seems to always play a part in my Gout attacks! 
After suffering from gout attacks for many years. I am able to look back and associate the attacks many times with stress. The worst attack ever came two …

A friend of a gout patient 
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Stress and anxiety may of caused my Gout 
I have had anxiety and stress for 3 years but recently erupted with tears and emotions . I have just been hospitalised with gout in elbow whilst in hospital …

Dear sir I was suffering from joints pain, under the thumb of both the hands i am 60 years old, having no other disease like BP, DIABETES ETC . …

Mrs Rosemary Laidlaw 
As a female and in the minority of gout sufferers it has puzzled me as to the real root cause. Four years ago I had a serious fall onto my face doing much …

65 year old/reasonably good health male 
The most severe gout episodes I have had, my stress level has always been very high! I say yes, stress is a key factor!

I have contributed before. drs on here many sufferers. and medical people. one thing gout is bad news. I like many others here suffered bout 10 yr. experience …

Gout is more to do with anger Management than diet 
I think you are right about the conclusion. I am 38, vegetarian, not overweight and do not consume alchohol. I has my first gout attack 5 days back. Its …

Gout and Stress 
I am a 32 year old overweight man 5"8 270 . I take medication for gout as well as of late have been watching my diet to eat foods low in gout causing agents …

Anger is def a Gout causer 
I had gout and finally got rid of it after 30 days. The 1st two weeks I only took vitamins, digestive enzymes, black cherry extract and did my best to …

Absolute: Stress causes gout! 
There is no doubt that stress causes gout attacks. If I was to have a heated disagreement/argument over a certain policy that I feel strong about with …

Gout and Stress 
I have had a lot of stress lately, and between my husband having a heart attach, my youngest daughter having surgery in a couple of days, my mom in the …

Gout Definitely Stress-Related 
I've had very minor symptoms (soreness, redness) for a few years. Recently, after a very stressful online argument, I developed a full-blown gout episode …

Gout warning signs 
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Terrible year of gout 
This year i was off sick with gout attacks. I even tried herbal products to solve the problem. I have been visiting various doctors and still i am not …

Ray - Gout for 20 years 
I have suffered from gout for twenty years on and off and have also been a large beer drinker,however when i have received attacks they have frequently …

This is just the explanation and reassurance that we need, at the moment. My husband has suffered from gout over the last 12 years and has been on progout …

35 year old woman with 2 gout attacks in 13 years 
Aloha, So glad to find this site. I had my first (extremely painful, red, hot and swollen) gout attack at age 21 in 1997. I thought I had kicked the …

Gout non stop for a year now 
I have had gout for a full year now with NO relief my Uric acid level is 10.5...the first Dr I saw took crystals from my big toe and said he had never …

Young woman with Gout 
Hello, I am 32 now and I am currently experiencing pre-gout "tingling, swelling", I hope it's not coming. I have had 5 attacks over the past 5-6 yrs. In …

Stressed person 
I think there is something in this. I've had gout on and off, so have adapted diet significantly but recently have found that even with extreme observance …

stress related gout 
I can definitely relate that stress is causing my gout. I do not eat high purine levels of foods and I am not a drinker. I drink plenty of water, but …

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Mr adam boalch 
Hello there!! I am now 38 and suffer with acute gout for the last 13 years,I have tried all the medication available yet none of theme really work …

Stress! A Gout trigger. Dont let anyone tell you different. 
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Got laid off three weeks ago, and have had two gout attacks since 
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Long Term Relief from Gout 
I had severe gout for years. I noticed a correlation every time my Doctor would give me a long acting Steroid shot, for an unrelated chronic …

38 years old and 1st bout of Gout - lot's of stress may be the reason 
Hi there. I'm a healthy 38 year old that has NEVER had any issues with gout, nor any other medical problems, I'm very active, eat really well ( no high …

First gout attack 
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Gout-free for over a month 
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Stress and Gout Do Go Hand In Hand 
I was quite relieved when reading that you believed that "Stress" can bring on Gout. I have suffered with gout now for a number of years, I am now at a …

Gout and Stress 
I an orthopedic surgeon suferring from gout attacks. I am also treating gout patients.I dont know the mechanism but for myself stess is triggering gout …

Gout attacks due to stress by Joe 
I feel very strongly that stress does cause my Gout attacks sometimes!I usually can eat pretty much all the bad foods that supposedly cause Gout. But the …

High Sufferer of Gout - 25 moderately fit an healthy! 
I had my first attack of gout at the age of 18. I have always put my initial increase of Uric acid down to excessive alcohol consumption and 6 cans of …

Relaxation and Gout 
HI Folks Well for me, stress has to be a trigger for gout, as whenever I am wound up, the little demons strike. I am lucky in that I get to visit the …

Gout and stress 
Hey all the reason i found this site is that i am looking into the relationship between attacks and stress levels. I have been suffering for 12yrs now …

Gout triggered by Stress 
You are accurate in your assessment. I have had a few bouts with Gout in the last five years and started doing research on the causes and keeping records …

Gout and Stress 
From my own experience: when you feel stressed out your body defence operates under difficult circumstances therefore you are more likely to suffer from …

Gout and stress Not rated yet
All my life I have suffered from bouts of extreme stress resulting in frequent urgent urination 3 - 4 times in night. Stinging red inflamed eyes, severe …

Stress induced Gout Not rated yet
Most doctors REALLY do not know about gout. Lucky for me, I finally found a good rheuma specialist. Prior to that I bounced around from doctor to doctor …

Stress induced ? No question.  Not rated yet
Hello! I stumbled across this wonderful site whilst searching for information on this awful affliction that I woke up with one morning. I had never …

Dr. S Wueschner Not rated yet
I have definitely found a correlation between my high stress and gout episodes. Stress will invariably lead to a bout of gout. Apple cider vinegar has …

left knee swells with stress Not rated yet
I am a 36 year old male who suffers from gout. I looked up the Site to see if stress and gout were related. I t seems like everytime something stressful …

Gout from seperation stress, loss of job, money Not rated yet
Age - mid 30. Never had any health issues. Never taken any medication. However, approx 40 days after a horrible separation (which also sent me bankrupt …

Paul - 1st gout experiance with this misery. U can read my 1st post if u like to bring anyone up to date.. Not rated yet
Stress, I would say very well is a factor. In my case prob. not the main reason. Going on three weeks now. Went to Dr. last Thur. on three medications. …

Yes, gout and stress are related Not rated yet
I'm 38, have been suffering from gout attacks for the last 10 years. I've been able to control these attacks by eliminating certain foods and drinks from …

Stress can cause Gout Not rated yet
You are accurate in your assessment. I have had a few bouts with Gout in the last five years and started doing research on the causes and keeping records …

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Stress doesn't help matters, but... Not rated yet
I agree stress is a contributing factor for triggering gout attacks. But I truly believe the consumption of High Frutose Corn Syrup will trigger an attack …

Stress and gout. Not rated yet
In late July 2012, I was scheduled to fly out of O'Hare to Dulles for a week long training session for my job. I arrived at O'Hare, went through all of …

I believe there is a link between emotional stress and gout... Not rated yet
Recently after a terrible mix up with a self centered family member I had a horrible flare up of gout, at a location in my little finger where evidence …

Gout from Stress? YES!!! Not rated yet
Chronic sufferer since age 23 (30 years ago). Rarely would I attribute an acute attack to food I'd eaten. But, as I progressed in my accounting career, …

stress and gout go hand and hand Not rated yet
I'm almost 50 and have had acute gout since I was 25. I've cut out red meat, pork, and 99.9% of the foods that bring on gout. But I've recently gone …

Diet Can Have a BIG Effect on Gout Attacks Not rated yet
I am 68 years old and a long time gout sufferer. I cannot beging to tel you the number of times I have awakened in the middle of the night with a big …

Pam - first time "gouter" Not rated yet
I've never had gout before...in fact I thought gout was for "old people". I recently found out it doesn't discriminate. I'm 45, a bit overweight but otherwise …

Stress is a key factor contributing to gout attack Not rated yet
I am strongly believe that stress is a major contributor to gout attack. I experience my first attack in 2009 and take every steps to prevent reoccurrences. …

Gout and Stress Not rated yet
I was under EXTREME stress last week, and I have been on a dietitian prescribed diet (1600 calories) since January, 2010 after my first gout attack. I …

Student Not rated yet
I'm currently unemployed and decided to go back to college just before i began college i had a minor attack of gout. I graduated some 7 months past with …

Stressed Out and Now With Gout Not rated yet
I've worked 3 jobs for 2.5 yrs, changing careers & I'm 53 now. Last June my uric acid was 9.8 (I just re-looked at the level today)--I had no symptoms. …

Stress & Gout are hand in hand Not rated yet
I am now 55 years of age and have gout since I was about 25. The usual causes of over indulgence with food and wine, especially red wine, change of lifestyle …

Stress & Gout are hand in hand Not rated yet
I am now 55 years of age and have gout since I was about 25. The usual causes of over indulgence with food and wine, especially red wine, change of lifestyle …

stress and gout Not rated yet
i read the page you have up and i agree stress is definitely related to gout outbreaks, it happens to me all the time ,i can drink beer ,have shell seafood …

Can stress trigger gout. Not rated yet
My first gout attack was on the day I got laid off after 17 years of working. Three years later, a second attack occurred when I was upset with my wife's …

Gout and stress Not rated yet
I have just suffered my second gout attack in four weeks. I use to get gout about four or five times a year. This is when I use to drink alot of alcohol. …

[email protected] Not rated yet
ya your right,i have been going through a very lenghty audit by revenue canada,and this asshole will not let up.every day i come home to another letter …

Gout and physical stress Not rated yet
Hi, I know my gout attacks come after heavy physical work - stress on the body. I eat healthy foods and no purines, alcohol or big macs. If I take Colchicine …

stress at work Not rated yet
Stress at work is gradually getting worse and today I had the worst one with my boss. MY foot started to ache after the encounter and now the side of …

Pastor Brian Not rated yet
I am in complete agreement with you, in the relationship between gout and stress. It seems to me that every time my stress levels rise at work and …

Gout and Operations Not rated yet
I am a 63 year old male and since a car accident which I did not ask for being hit in the rear by a policeman while I was at a red light resulted in many …

1st Gout attack triggered by stress Not rated yet
Hi, I am 33 and healthy male and do not drink alcohol and always eat a balanced diet, however I was purchasing a new house and put down my life savings …

Stressing Out Over Gout! Not rated yet
I am happy that I am not the only person who has noticed a connection between Stress and Gout! My job had really become more and more stressful and I …

Almost ten years between gout episodes..... Not rated yet
I retired from a job I hated in 2000. I was having frequent gouty arthritis attacks, always affecting my left great toe. I took Indocin for flare-ups. …

Gout and Stress Not rated yet
I have been suspecting that gout and stress are related and I am happy to know that I am not the only one that has noticed mild gout attack associated …

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Stress is definitely a factor - Stress makes everything worse Not rated yet
My 55 year old husband has just had his first attack of gout, in his finger. I immediately said, "It is due to the stress you are under this week". He …

My Gout story Not rated yet
I am so eager to make a contribution to this site and would therefore proceed as follows; 1. I am convinced in my own way that we become victims to …

Gout Cure Not rated yet
I am 33-year-old male. I was in much trouble since last two years because of gout. Its main reason, i think, was stress. it developed some kind of joint …

Gout and stress Not rated yet
Hi there, Coming across this story has been so re-assuring for me. I have recently discovered that I have gout, via a blood test indicating high levels …

Gout definitely triggerd by stress. Not rated yet
I am 51 years old and have had gout attacks for the last twenty years. There does not seem to be a specific trigger for the attacks re diet or life style. …

Husband's Stress causes Gout Not rated yet
My husband is stressed quite a bit due to work, he often gets gout in these periods. I will look at giving him some of the vitamins recommended.

Correctional officer's Gout attacks Not rated yet
Yes me too. Im a correctional officer and in the national guard, during my deployment I was hit twice with gouty attacks. So b-5 helps? I will have …

I get stressed and get gout Not rated yet
Sometimes I get gout while stressed at home with the children. I am a dad who stays at home, I don't drink much and don't eat bad food. I have gout in …

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Be Gout Aware.

Gout and Stress

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