Gout and Stress

by Daniel anderson
(Oklahoma )

I am a 32 year old overweight man 5"8 270 . I take medication for gout as well as of late have been watching my diet to eat foods low in gout causing agents . The last two bouts of gout have coincidently come on directly after major stressful weekends . The last one absolutely no alcohol was consumed within 5 days of symptoms .. As the gout is just now really setting in for this round I am unable to tell you length or severity but I can tell you it hurts like hell !!

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Oct 03, 2012
Can't do that one
by: Anonymous

That corn syrup is the main ingredient in dr pepper and I'd rather die than give it up so I'm out on that one but the water thing I will give a try !!!

Oct 03, 2012
High Frutose Corn Syrup and gout
by: Swamibear

I discovered through trail & error that treats containing High Frutose Corn Syrup trigger my gout. More specifically, frozen yogurt from the nearby shop does it everytime, or within 6 hours of eating it.

Additionally, HFCS is in many foods that we eat, so watch out for things like Teriaki Sauce or Sweet & Sour Sauce. For that matter, try and eliminate all sauces just to see. The American Corn Refiners won't like you for this, but you may be gout free.

Here's another tid bit of info. Try to find a source of water in your community that has a high Alkalinity level in it. Our city water is only at 70. Some mountain springs have been tested at 150 to 170. If you drink this water on any type of regular basis you will have a low uric acid rate. Hope this helps someone out there.

Oct 02, 2012
Green eyed monster
by: Anonymous

HULK SMASH !!!! But can't walk lol

Oct 02, 2012
stress control and gout
by: Nick catricala

Stress is the catalist for gout attack... that was my experience... it is not easy to suppress stress, but being aware may help.

Hope this helps you in some way..
BTW... for the last week I have been experiencing some kind of pain in one of my foot.. it did not get to a full blown gout attack (thanks God( but I can tel it was almost to the verge of doing so.. and you guessed.. stress in the last month must have contributed this reaction...

Now I consume more carrot juice, eat more veggies, rest and stay calm, no matter what come around... I do maintain a calm mind and it is helping a lot and hope God allow me to overcome it soon and continue living as best as I learn how with God as My Guidance.

I become vegetarian in 1998, and become Vegan 7 years a go and meditate every day... I do not drink alcohol, nor smoke and stay away from anything that I know have to much gout agents as you call them.. but so far, could not manage to keep the stress level under the minimum...mostly because of outside forces that I cannot always control.

Hope all this helps you and others.
bets of everything, always.

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