Be Gout Aware of what Gout Symptoms are.

When too much uric acid is built up in the body it forms razor sharp crystals that head to the joints in the bodies extremities such as the toes, ankles, feet, heels,elbow, fingers, ears, spine, hands etc.

You can feel tenderness in the affected areas and if you are an old pro at gout you can feel its little tingle and early ache, the earliest I believe sign of Gout Symptoms or Symptoms of Gout.

The pain is dull at first and at this stage you can try and attack it head on with various methods explained on this site.

The uric acid crystals form inflammation, heat, and pain, generally leaving the skin shiny and red and painful as it fills up with this gouty beast.

Generally a Gout attack can last up to 24 hours, but over time can re occur weeks, months or years later, pending on many factors that make up the individual.

Left untreated Gout can lead to many other forms of damage to the body, such as Kidney stones and Kidney damage , joint damage, Heart Disease, Spinal Damage and crippling Arthritis when the sufferer is older.

A sufferer has to learn what the Gout symptoms are and try and Master this horrible beast.



Always seek medical advice before you go out and try the latest Gout fighting product or cure, even herbal cures can be detrimental to your health, so get checked.

Warning Signs of a Pending Attack

Generally if a long term Gout sufferer like myself who has eaten the wrong foods or slightly indulged on the red wine, can start to feel a tingling sensation either at the base of their foot or around their big toe.

I'm an old pro at detecting an oncoming attack and try and stuff myself with various treatments to lessen the blow.

Gout Symptoms in the form of tingling moves quite fast from foot to foot and heel to heel. You just know that you must take dramatic action fast to help the onset of pain heading your way.

Symptoms of Gouts can also be chills or a fever that just appears, even a stomach ache can tell you what is around the corner. More than one attack of acute arthritis can be another signal of a pending attack.

Sometimes either of your hands start to ache around the index fingers and knuckles. You can even feel thirsty and dehydrated.

A newbie to an attack will generally just feel like someone has bashed their big toe with a hammer. They will generally believe that they have severely stubbed their toe the day before or have broken their foot and wont know why they have this severe pain.

My first attack was the Big Toe...ouch one week of not understanding why I am limping and feeling like the world hates me.

The second attack was weird, no pain just a slight swelling down my right leg on the front along the shin, but I could push with my fingers into the swelling and it would leave a dent there for about 10 minutes... I then sought a doctors advice... Most importantly... SEE A SPECIALIST.. a Doctor first, then if you don't like them see a Rheumatologist.

There is now more evidence that recent surgery and ongoing stress can make you also more susceptible to an attack.

Just make sure you see someone....you may only get one attack in your life. But if you have had one attack then more than likely you will have another one, weather it is in a day, a week a year.. They will come.

Gout Cure

Gout in the Spine

Some Gout Sufferers, though rare can get Gout in the Spine or uric crystal build up in the spine causing extreme pain, numbness, back ache, tingling, and even lower extremity paralysis all without any inflammation.

It is also extremely hard to distinguish these Gout Symptoms from Spinal Infection.

Gout in the spine can create Neurological symptoms (Symptoms caused by a disorder or dysfunction that affects a part or all of the nervous system)

This has been treated with intra-articular therapies (Treatment that allows for the use of agents to be used in a localized way.)

These therapies rely on an injection such as Corticosteroids that are also used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

If this method is used then the patient will require considerable rest time to help decrease steroid leakage, and increase absorption to the joints and tissue area.

If this type of treatment fails or is considered a risk, then surgery in the manner of a decompressive laminectomy can be performed.

This surgery is a commonly performed to relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

Tophaceous Gout Symptoms of the Spine can also be misdiagnosed as Epidural Infection due to the similarities of their symptoms.

Gout Medications

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Gout symptoms 
My coworker has had gout for a few years with occasional flair ups his latest bout has appeared in both wrists hands both feet and he has a large bruise …

HOrrible pain of gout attack 
I am a computer teacher in school aged 37 years. Last year when we had a science fair in our school for 3 days. Last day i was very tired. it got very …

Gout attacks numbness  
I am in my 40's male and have been plagued with gout pain in my foot ankle and knee on and off for nearly 5 months. The first sign of gout I experienced …

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I have realised that for myself gout attacks are not going to stop completely. I have had it in my toes at first and then ankles and recently in my knees. …

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After feeling numbnees in my left toe and right thigh i went to see a doctor. I had a blood test that showed elevated levels of uric acid. S he i was borderline. …

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Miss kelly robinson 
I was at work sat at my till. Started getting shootimg pains in my left big toe, well i went on my break, went into the rest room, took my shoe off, the …

gout sufferer, woman. 
I just had my fourth gout attack. I woke up with it. The indomethicin didnt work. I went to urgent care, crystal run, and the doctor said to use colcrys …

Gout in the pinky toe! 
One morning very early hours I awoke to an aching baby toe! Had to get up to go to the bathroom and it hurt to walk on it. Next morning I had redness and …

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My Father had really bad, painful gout! I had one episode 7 months ago(in my left big toe) and ended up in the ER.....I just had another episode in my …

ouch! is this gout? 
i will just be sitting down and my big toe will just get this really bad pain and it last for like 30 seconds and goes away. Is this Gout?

A different kind of gout? 
I've never had pain in my big toe. My toes have felt stiff and a bit achy, like I just finished the longest walk ever taken, but never the pain in the …

How long does a gout attack last? 
I am a 31 year old woman who has recently had major pelvic surgery 4 weeks ago .whilst in hospital i started with a pins and needles sensation in my big …

uric acid 
i am 43 years old. i have been suffering from attack of spine gout since long. please tell me about this

mrs A 
I am in my mid fifties, pretty healthy with bad sore big toe, later swelling appeared on the top of my foot which stayed . I was told by my doctor that …

wish i knew what i have!.,.,i,ve had a sciatica nerve problem for 8weeks and now have tingling sensations which is better than the pain that went with …

son of a father that is 86 years old. 
My father is 86 years old and has gout in his leg and foot. I have been telling him for months to see a specialist such as a rheumatologist to correct …

Gout of the Thumb Joint and Knee. 
I am an older female who over a year ago was treated for gout in my right thumb. Some people couldn't believe me when I stated that the pain was so unbearable …

I had an attack of gout in my big toe. The doctor I seen gave me pills to take that did not help. Two weeks passed, when I seen another doctor who gave …

Long time sufferer - Rare case 
Hi, I am french from Quebec so forgive my spelling errors. I am happy I found this web site. I have been suffering from Gout since the age of nine, …

Gout in the spine 
HI, just 3 weeks ago I had a second surgery at T-6-7 in my upper back. I was having burning and aching, some stinging also. I tried to talk myself into …

Elaine's first Gout Attack 
My husband has suffered from gout for several years. He is in his 60s. I am in my 50s and my first attack just happened. I was working and my right …

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I have had gout since I was 17 
Sure, it all started on vacation where I had been drinking all week so I really thought I broke my toe in a drunken stouper. Turned out I walked around …

Is this Gout? 
I have severe tingling problems on my left foot, but it is not the big toe, it's also not the ankle or the knee or the arch or the calf. The tingling …

Aplastic Anemia.... Not rated yet
My mom was a life long survivor of gout. She took colchicine and alopurinol for years & they actually helped her gout, therefore, help control her pain. …

QUERCETIN works! Not rated yet
My husband had regular gout attacks for years. Being allergic to aspirin, it was difficult to find conventional remedies so I opted for a more natural …

gout sufferer, woman. Not rated yet
I just had my fourth gout attack. I woke up with it. The indomethicin didnt work. I went to urgent care, crystal run, and the doctor said to use colcrys …

gout sufferer, woman. Not rated yet
I just had my fourth gout attack. I woke up with it. The indomethicin didnt work. I went to urgent care, crystal run, and the doctor said to use colcrys …

This is a nightmare :-( Not rated yet
Six years ago I woke to top of my feet hurting red blisters all over top went to er and doctor didn't know what it was now that I've been told I have gout …

Gout activated from stubbing toe Not rated yet
On two occasions I have stubbed the second toe (it is longer than the big toe). One was five years back, x-ray revealed nothing, I could not walk. Eventually …

Remedy for gout Not rated yet
My brother - in - law had gout. Very painful, medication didn't really help. Couldn't drive and had to have someone pick him up from work as he was in …

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Gout Symptoms
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