
by Tony
(Fort Myers, FL)

Hi Peter,

I am a physician, had my first Gout episode last week. I was surfing through the web and happened to come across your site. I am impressed by your website info and facts. Are you a physician? Just curious!

I will be glad to hear your response and keep in touch with you. Thanks.

[email protected]

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May 08, 2024
Can gout kill
by: Burt

Medical journal articles have written about this for several years. And it doesn't matter much if your gout flares are well-controlled by any means (pharmaceutical or not). You still are at significant risk for premature death, not from gout directly, but from any of its life-threatening comorbidities. Gout "experts" don't know what else to do about this embarrassing discovery, so they keep pushing more pharmaceutical treatment for gout.

The reason for this, which has yet to be broadly recognized, is that most gout is a direct result of the chronic prolonged frequent hypoxic ( oxygen level too low) episodes of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is why most gout flares originate during sleep. The hypoxic episodes lead to concurrent uric acid overproduction in all oxygen-starved cells of the body, plus concurrent and longer-term uric acid underexcretion from reduced kidney function. The concurrent reactions no longer occur after OSA has been resolved. The longer-term effect on kidney function reverses in about 3 months after OSA's resolution. Unresolved OSA is known to lead to premature mortality from any of its many life-threatening consequences, which is why gout has been found to lead to premature mortality because most gout patients have never undergone a sleep study followed by resolution of the OSA.

In most cases, gout's first occurrence is an early warning of OSA, which should lead to the diagnosis and resolution of OSA. That should greatly reduce the risk for premature death. It also should prevent any further gout flares. Make sure that you get tested for OSA ASAP, and follow strictly the recommended procedure to resolve it!

More information for gout sufferers at
More information for medical practitioners at

By Burt

Feb 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

I worked in the medical field as a medical secretary/transcriptionist for 30 yrs, working at a children's hospital 25 of those for research doctors, neonatologists...etc... and I agree with you that this site is totally awesome, informative, and so beneficial to everyone. I applaud Peter for it and wish that I could nominate this site for some aware of some kind. It's truely wonderful!

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