The Gout Blog by Gout Aware

What is Gout
is one of the oldest and most painful forms of Arthritis known to man.

Related to Kidney disease, and also Heart Failure.

Gout is caused by excess uric acid in the body that the kidneys were unable to flush out.

The Uric acid then forms into barbed Crystals which head for the bodies extremities and tear into the synovial sacks in the joints, causing extreme pain and swelling.

Long term effects are Kidney failure or Kidney stones, Heart failure and debilitating maiming of the joints of the body.

This is one mean painful beast.

I will be adding various bits of Information into this area in the weeks to come.

There are questionnaires within Gout-aware that are quick and can be beneficial for you to fill them in, as it is interesting to see what areas other people suffer their pain in and what medicines they use.

One Questionnaire is in the medicine section the other is a standalone questionnaire.

Any Comments and articles you would like to submit feel free. All email can be sent to

[email protected]




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Got A Gout Problem?


Hi Peter, I am a physician, had my first Gout episode last week. I was surfing through the web and happened to come across your site. I am impressed by

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What is it about Cherries?

Allopurinol worked for me, but at the expense of adversely affecting my mood.I like cherries, but getting them every day of the year is a problem.I wondered

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ACV made my gout worse...

During my first gout attack, I was in so much pain that I desperately scoured the internet for alternative cures as the colchicine that I was prescribed

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tens machine & gout

TENS MACHINE work. The simple ones are $30 or so. And if anything goes wrong including dropping it they give you another. The TENS electrical stimulus

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Silver is safer for gout treatment than legal drugs

The FDA is run by crooks from big pharma and they don't mind approving unsafe medications that harm and kill tens of thousands of people every year. Yet

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Gout issue

Hi Pratidnya here So my dad has higher level of uric acid and they it is also affecting on Kidney, what if he will intake castor oil for 2 days a week

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Gout & snoring

I hadn't had a real gout attack in about ten years after I lost about thirty pounds. Before that was another story. I snore badly. One night, the room

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GMO food responsible for my attacks and trying apple cider vinegar

I am 56 years old and been suffering with gout for about 20 years off and on. I have been reluctant to get on the Allopurinol band wagon for life and have

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I had some silver & out of desperation poured a lot in a bucket h soaked my gout foot. Pain subsided within15 mins. I've soaked b4 without this reaction.

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Avoid multigrain foods which caused my gout

I had not had gout in years. While on vacation, we bought some multigrain bread. Within a couple of days I had an attack of gout in toes on right foot.

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Gout caused by eggnog

I used to get gout flare up when I was in my thirties. They occurred every Christmas time. I would get knees so painful that I could not walk. After some

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I have been eating 2 eggs everyday for awhile now, and I didn't realize eggs were that bad for you. wow

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Coconut water and alkaline water can help with gout.

One time, I had a gout attack in my left knee and it wasn't pretty. The pain was so unbearable that I had trouble falling asleep. I couldn't even walk

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Gout and stress

All my life I have suffered from bouts of extreme stress resulting in frequent urgent urination 3 - 4 times in night. Stinging red inflamed eyes, severe

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Stress induced Gout

Most doctors REALLY do not know about gout. Lucky for me, I finally found a good rheuma specialist. Prior to that I bounced around from doctor to doctor

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Latest Gout News from around the World


Latest Gout News from around the world

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Diagnosis of Gout

Hi there. So last week I dropped a potato on my toe and didn’t think much of it, at the weekend I noticed a pain in the same toe but was able to walk on

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Never Be Sick Again

Read Raymond Francis's book - Never Be Sick Again. He says there is only 1 disease, 2 causes, and 6 ways of living to ensure health. 1 disease - cellular

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Stress induced ? No question.

Hello! I stumbled across this wonderful site whilst searching for information on this awful affliction that I woke up with one morning. I had never

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Gout and hearing Loss

Gout and Hearing loss are related?

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What is Gout

gout finger1

What is Gout - Gout, the oldest and most common form of Arthritis. The latest information on causes and symptoms of Gout, remedies and facts.

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Mysterious Reason Behind Gout

Sometimes I believe that you can diagnose your case better than any doctor and this what exactly happened with me. I'm suffering from high uric acid levels

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Current Gout Clinical Trials

Gout ad for canada

This is the latest list of current gout clinical trials in USA, Canada, & the World today.

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I want to ask if barley is good for gout. then why brown bread or wheat is bad for gout

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Mrs humphreys

I have just had my first gout attack. My father had it so I tried cider vinegar and sour cherry juice which gave relief after three days although I had

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Collodal Silver and Gout

I have gout attacks once or twice a year. I had an attack and I was out of Indomethacin. A jerk Dr wouldn't refill over the phone and I had an entire weekend

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Athlete's feet and colloidal silver - not for gout

As I listen to Dr Becks you tube videos I really believed all he had said. So I bought all that was necessary to use his protocol under the believe that

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Massive diarrhea

I have taken more than 3 pills of 600 mg and I had massive diarrhea... I took even more pills as my swollen right big toe flared up so much that he could

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Gout started early in life.

So in my early 20's I would hit the bars with friends at least 3 days a week. Heavy beer consumption every time. One morning I woke up and my big toe

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Sambazon Acai original for gout

I have gout and I often drink Sambazon Acai original organic drink for about 3 days and my pain is gone. Better than any medication and pain killers. But

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1st time hopefully the last

I'm a first timer with gout and I wonder if moscato caused it. I tried it for the first time on my birthday and a few days later I had gout. Happy birthday!!

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Aplastic Anemia....

My mom was a life long survivor of gout. She took colchicine and alopurinol for years & they actually helped her gout, therefore, help control her pain.

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Four Stages of Gout


There are Four Stages of Gout ;Asymptomatic (without symptoms) hyperuricemia, Acute gout or acute gouty arthritis (hyperuricemia),Interval or intercritical gout & Chronic tophaceous gout (dangerous)

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Not a Happy Gout Story

I have had gout for not a very long time. My first flare up came about maybe 5 yrs ago. But I have to say I had minor flare ups or mild foot pain leading

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My husband had regular gout attacks for years. Being allergic to aspirin, it was difficult to find conventional remedies so I opted for a more natural

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Gout sufferer

I am gout sufferer for almost 12 years today i can only walk if I take painkiller all the time. Please give me your advise on how to eliminate my suffering

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Good Calories Bad Calories

Good Calories Bad calories, I have borrowed this from Tim Ferris for you to read

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Help with Gout

I have gout in my ankles. I treat it 2 ways Naturally. Figs. I eat dry figs (5 pieces in the morning, its delicious, I feel like eating 10.) You have

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Four and stress

I completely agree with you! I am stressed to the max trying to sell my house! And my gout flared up! I've experienced it every time I stressed! Thanks

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Gout symptoms

My coworker has had gout for a few years with occasional flair ups his latest bout has appeared in both wrists hands both feet and he has a large bruise

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Scrambled eggs

Just getting over a gout attack so I thought making some scrambled eggs wouldn't hurt 2 hours later gout attack comes right back!! Gout SUCKS

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I think the ACV is working but not sure.

I get severe, debilitating attacks of gout. So severe that I cannot go to work for up to 4 weeks at a time and have to use the intermittent Family Leave

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The Gout Aware Story

The Gout aware story of how a Gout symptom sufferer started Gout Aware the website for Gout sufferers

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Gout Arthritis

Gout Arthritis - Gout symptoms, Gout treatments, gout causes

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Gout and Stress

Gout and Stress are related, any emotional state is severe enough can cause a Gout attack.

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Gout and Sleep Apnea


Gout and Sleep Apnea have a strange relationship and Gout is an early warning sign of Sleep Apnea.

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Gout and Pseudogout

Gout and Pseudogout : well Pseudogout is what it sounds like-false gout, pseudogout is caused by a known condition, such as hypothyroidism

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Gout and Hyperuricemia


Gout and Hyperuricemia relate to pathological conditions associated with markedly elevated levels of urate in the blood

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Gout and HCTZ

Gout and HCTZ can be lethal if combined with Gout medication.

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Recent Articles

  1. Tony

    May 08, 24 08:57 PM

    Hi Peter, I am a physician, had my first Gout episode last week. I was surfing through the web and happened to come across your site. I am impressed by

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  2. What is it about Cherries?

    Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM

    Allopurinol worked for me, but at the expense of adversely affecting my mood.I like cherries, but getting them every day of the year is a problem.I wondered

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  3. ACV made my gout worse...

    Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM

    During my first gout attack, I was in so much pain that I desperately scoured the internet for alternative cures as the colchicine that I was prescribed

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