Gout Letters

In this section I am slowly adding gout letters written to Gout Aware. If you want to add to this page please send me a similar letter that Rosemary has sent below.


Peter Gout-Aware.com

Dear Peter, in previous contact with you, I failed to add that Sleep Apnoea and fatty liver connects up too. In fact more and more offshoots to Gout seem to connect to Metabolic Syndrome Psoriasis is one that comes to mind. We seem to lack the enzyme Uricase that breaks down proteins properly. One could conclude that there is a strong genetic factor. I DO hope that more people get to the bottom of their gout. Just wish the medical profession would start to look at underlying causes instead of treating symptoms of one of the branches of this dis-ease. Cutting sugars (corn syrup and other sugar replacements in processed foods) out is vital and right down on the carbs. From experiments on myself yeast is a real "no no" too. Guess this might be why beers are so lethal for gout suffers and I don't drink alcohol but had yeast products >

> In the future when Doctor's include nutrition in their training human beings will benefit beyond our current comprehension, but first they have to drop the very outdated and proven incorrect theory that the mind has no effect on the body. Rene Descartes has much to answer for in this respect and science has come a long way since the outdated Newtonian theory which the medical schools still insist on teaching. >

> I will continue to research and experiment upon myself because I am determined to crack the gout code and a lot of other ailments that accompany it. >

> Kind regards >

> Rosemary L.

Aaron's letter

Hi peter i just read your story, online. Im 44 i got my first attack of gout somewhat. 2 years ago. First attack was in the right foot. On the ball where the big toe is. I was resorted to crawling around like an infant. Until the pain subsided? Then another attack same place months later. Then nothing for 12months. Then i got it in my left big toe, i had to take time off work because of this dibilitating disease. I couldn;t wear any type of shoe. Along with the sleep deprivation that goes with all of this. Off to the docs for some more medication. LEN GOUT! It went away since then. I dont even have the ocassional beer or wine. I have changed my diet, i dont eat much red meat. I have lost 8 kgs. In the last three weeks gone from 96kgs to 88kgs. Today the gout fairy has come back to visit me in my right foot?????. Time to take indomethacin... Have you kept your gouty curse under control? If so please give me some good ideas cheers Regards Aaron

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I am 40 and i had my 1st attack when i was about 24 years old. Since then i got attack almost 4-5 years per year. Now it just got worst. Some times i have …

big phil 
Hi Peter.Im 47 years old and had my first gout attack about 5 years ago.I started to feel sick and had the sweats about lunchtime and about 6 hours later …

Husbands Gout Story 
My husband suffered gout for years in his right toe. After trying what seemed to be everything we found that digestive enzymes actually worked for him. …

The color of urine 
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My brother is suffering from one of the worst cases of gout that most of his physicians have ever seen. Granted he has lived with an alcohol issue most …

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Having my worst ever gout attack to the big toe (after 22 years of on an off gout) that has been going on for 12 days. Tried my usual Naproxen 500 mg, …

MR Tony Phylactou 
I have had gout for years, and tried just about everything without success.I reduced meat to, minimum once a week, stopped alcohol altogether.I was having …

Gout has Ruled my life and the Life of two of my Brothers Since our 'Forties' 
Hi Peter, you Legend, Hey, I know that I have written this story once, but I needed to report back after using Organic "Mother" Apple Cider Vinegar …

Gout Not rated yet
Hi Iam 34 I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney des . Which was picked up when I was having a lot of pain in my feet , I was an active gardener , when I …

Barry Not rated yet
I used to make fun of a co-worker behind his back because he was alwasy gone due to gout. I thought he was faking it to get time off. At 42 I had my …

Thanksgiving Dinner and GOUT Not rated yet
I had my first attack of gout at age 63..it happened late at night on Thanksgiving...I was in such pain by Mon. and was at the doctor's office when they …

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Gout Letters
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