Chronic Gouty Arthritis with Tophi

by Kerry
(Peyton, Colorado)

My brother is suffering from one of the worst cases of gout that most of his physicians have ever seen. Granted he has lived with an alcohol issue most of his life that became worse with the stress of a broken marriage with a very hateful and vendictive woman that also yanked his only child out of his life only to alienate her as well. He has lost his job because of the severity of the gout (he has been deemed disabled)he is about to lose his work licenses and drivers licenses because of the inability to pay child support, he is fighting to keep his home due to no job to pay his mortgage and other bills, I could go on and on about how stressfull and hopeless his life is at this point. He says he has quit drinking, but it is too little too late. He has become suicidal and I have run to his home numerous times to keep him from doing the deed. He is on Alapurinal and Cholchisine but the side effects from both are almost intolerable and don't seem to be doing any good anyway. He tries to eat properly for the condition but to no avail as far as getting his uric acid level down to a healthy one. His level was 7.4 in January after an 8 day hospital stay that also involved surgery on one of his elbow to remove necrotic tissue and severe infection due to tophi. He has severe tophi growths on his feet, knees, ankles and hands.He had the uric acid level checked the other day and it had gone up to 9.6! What in the world can we do if anything? He was going to start some surgeries the 1st of March to start removing the huge tophi growths, but they cannot consider surgery until his level is down to 6 or lower. We are starting to think it is impossible to get it at a healthy level, Please, does anyone have any suggestions?!!!

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Feb 19, 2013
A solution that worked for me!
by: Jimbo

Kerry - So sorry to hear about your brother's gout condition. I hope I have an answer for you. I also have gout. I have tried everything out there - ACV, baking soda, name it. While they all helped to some degree, the only thing that STOPPED the attacks was orthomolecular medicine. I went from 4 attacks a year to having no attacks in almost one year. I am taking 2mg per day of Copper, 200 mg per day of Magnesium Citrate (MUST be Magnesium Citrate as it is the form of Magnesium most assimilable by the body) and 800 IU per day of Vitamin D (Insures MG retention). A recent study has suggested that gout is caused by a candida infection, so I would recommend that you find your brother a good candida cleansing protocol and follow it. Also have him start taking a high quality version of CoQ10, 100Mg, 3 times per day with a small amount of dietary fat to help his body absorb the CoQ10. This will help repair the supposedly unrepairable renal damage. In the mean time, get some Gout Care GC ( and start pulling some of that uric acid out of his system. Good luck!

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