Acupuncture and gout.
Acupuncture is fast becoming the new way to deal in pain relieve. Gout suffers can use acupuncture to help bring them through the onset of pain and reduce swelling. But is it the best way to go? Here's why acupuncture will help to relieve your gout pain.
Gout can affect anyone from young to old. It usually attacks the big toe but can affect any joint in the body. Its cause is debatable by many but most agree gout is cause by excess levels of uric acid in the body. The symptoms are arthritis type tenderness of the joint and redness, and can attack suddenly or build up over a period of time then make you incapable of walking in a moment. The joint is swollen and the pain can be severe or mild. But one thing is certain. Gout is not a nice disorder to have.
Acupuncture is a Chinese form of treating a range of conditions including diseases, ailments, and chronic disorders. It’s the use of paper thin needles at certain points in the body. These points are called channels and each channel is connected to over 2,000 points throughout the body. By using needles in each point the body sends healing power to heal the ailment. Of course, it's much more complicated than this but this is the basic of how acupuncture works.
Acupuncture stimulates the release of natural pain killers called endorphins which helps gout pain, there are many schools of thought as to the proof that acupuncture actually works on gout deposits or gout pain. Personally it has worked on me many years ago, reducing my gout pain considerably.
Acupuncture And Gout:
Acupuncture has been proven medically and scientifically to work regardless whether it's used in China or Western countries. There have even been several brain surgeries where acupuncture has been used to assist in stopping pain; hence it is worthwhile considering as a potential gout treatment.
The pain from gout can be excruciating especially in the big toe where it most often occurs. Regular treatment using acupuncture could well keep you from getting a gout flare up and help get the pain and swelling under control. Trials
Acupuncture for gout attacks can place control of your flare-ups back in your hands.
As the uric acid levels in your body rise they collect at the base of your joints. Usually it's the big toe but it can also affect your shoulders and wrists. It causes inflammation and increased sensitivity. It can be so sensitivity just the weight of your bed sheet can cause extreme pain.
Using acupuncture to treat gout can be the fastest reliever there is for to ease your pain. It takes about 30 minutes to work on some people and hour or more on others. It will bring down the pain and swelling and when mixed with healing herbs, your gout flare up can be gone in a few hours or a day or two (depending on the person and the flare up).
Gout is very treatable with acupuncture because it increases the circulation of blood to the area. It breaks up the stagnation causing the swelling and inflammation. According to Chinese herbalist, stagnation is the major cause of gout flare ups. Acupuncture treating gout can work well together, plus when mixed with healing herbs, will help you get over the flare up fast.
Acupuncture And Gout:
Clinical trials in have indicated that an unusual mix of lowered uric acid diet control combined with electro-acupuncture, blood-letting and cupping caused a significant reduction of gout pain, swelling and re-occurrence.
This style of treatment may certainly fit and alternative minded person who does not want to take a series of drugs to fight their gout pain.
Gout can affect anyone from young to old. It usually attacks the big toe but can affect any joint in the body. Its cause is debatable by many but most agree gout is cause by excess levels of uric acid in the body. The symptoms are arthritis type tenderness of the joint and redness, and can attack suddenly or build up over a period of time then make you incapable of walking in a moment. The joint is swollen and the pain can be severe or mild. But one thing is certain. Gout is not a nice disorder to have.
Acupuncture is a Chinese form of treating a range of conditions including diseases, ailments, and chronic disorders. It’s the use of paper thin needles at certain points in the body. These points are called channels and each channel is connected to over 2,000 points throughout the body. By using needles in each point the body sends healing power to heal the ailment. Of course, it's much more complicated than this but this is the basic of how acupuncture works.
Acupuncture stimulates the release of natural pain killers called endorphins which helps gout pain, there are many schools of thought as to the proof that acupuncture actually works on gout deposits or gout pain. Personally it has worked on me many years ago, reducing my gout pain considerably.
Acupuncture And Gout:
Acupuncture has been proven medically and scientifically to work regardless whether it's used in China or Western countries. There have even been several brain surgeries where acupuncture has been used to assist in stopping pain; hence it is worthwhile considering as a potential gout treatment.
The pain from gout can be excruciating especially in the big toe where it most often occurs. Regular treatment using acupuncture could well keep you from getting a gout flare up and help get the pain and swelling under control. Trials
Acupuncture for gout attacks can place control of your flare-ups back in your hands.
As the uric acid levels in your body rise they collect at the base of your joints. Usually it's the big toe but it can also affect your shoulders and wrists. It causes inflammation and increased sensitivity. It can be so sensitivity just the weight of your bed sheet can cause extreme pain.
Using acupuncture to treat gout can be the fastest reliever there is for to ease your pain. It takes about 30 minutes to work on some people and hour or more on others. It will bring down the pain and swelling and when mixed with healing herbs, your gout flare up can be gone in a few hours or a day or two (depending on the person and the flare up).
Gout is very treatable with acupuncture because it increases the circulation of blood to the area. It breaks up the stagnation causing the swelling and inflammation. According to Chinese herbalist, stagnation is the major cause of gout flare ups. Acupuncture treating gout can work well together, plus when mixed with healing herbs, will help you get over the flare up fast.
Acupuncture And Gout:
Clinical trials in have indicated that an unusual mix of lowered uric acid diet control combined with electro-acupuncture, blood-letting and cupping caused a significant reduction of gout pain, swelling and re-occurrence.
This style of treatment may certainly fit and alternative minded person who does not want to take a series of drugs to fight their gout pain.
I have had gout pain reduced by about 70% by using Acupuncture, it may work for you, or it may not. It did not reduce my swelling but to get some pain relief was enough for me. It is worth trying.
Acupuncture and Gout
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Feel free to write about your Gout suffering and how you manage your Gout attacks.
This is a learning curve for all of us, so the more personal experiences the better for all of us to understand this affliction.
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