Gout and celiac disease - be aware of your gout symptoms

Gout and Celiac

Gout and Celiac disease are a dangerous family. Celiac is an autoimmune intestinal disorder, which affects the small intestine.
Also known as Celiac sprue, which can be triggered after surgery, viral infection, stress, pregnancy and have so many symptoms it can be misdiagnosed as a bowel disorder.
Gluten causes interference with nutrient absorption in the body by having a toxic reaction to the mucosal / villi area of the small intestine.
It is a strange disease that is quite common throughout the world and can also be hereditary.
Cereal grains such as most forms of wheat, rye, barley and triticale have to be eliminated as soon as possible to reduce symptoms.

The reason I am writing about Celiac disease is there is a large commonality with Gout and Gouty symptoms.
I have been interviewing Gout sufferers and many have Celiac disease.
One Gouty sufferer described his symptoms as:

" I have been getting neck aches, finger aches, hand aches and stomach aches for years, after years of testing I noticed that when I eat a sandwich I get diarrhea and all of the aches above. I stopped eating sandwiches and spoke to a doctor, Finally the light went on and the doctor said I must have Celiac disease.
Tests then confirmed that I suffer from this disease.
The funny thing is that as soon as I stopped all wheat / grain products I also stopped getting Gout attacks. I haven’t had a Gout attack for years now.”

There are now formulas that treat both Gout and Celiac Disease.
These formulas comprise of Flax seed, amino acid mixes, Vitamin B, B6, B12, Calcium in Magnesium, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C, E, K, Folate, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Choline Bitartrate, Inositon, PABA, Blueberry extract, Nettle extract, Quercetin, L-Glutathione and Bromelain.
Some sufferers have found relief with prolonged and intensive use of highly concentrated Antioxidants.
To treat both Gout and Celiac one needs to stop anything with Malt included as an ingredient in alcohol and or foods.
Both can also be married to osteoporosis and both require regular checkups and dietary changes.
It would be a good idea to monitor your diet to see if you are a potential Celiac sufferer.

Be Aware of your food intake and watch it closely.

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