First gout attack

Im a 24 yr old healthy laid back kind of person, never any serious health concern until a bout of strep throat which was dutifully cured within a couple of days. I should also mention i hardly if ever stress...until now. Several days after my strep I reached such a high level of stress with my fiance that for the first time ever I broke out into hives on my hands and feet. Weird I thought but I'd get over it I just needed to relax. Not one day later my ankle began to feel tender and by that night had swollen to astronomical size. Not knowing what was the cause the doctor took the blood test and noticed my uric acid levels were on the high side of normal, and prescribed me for it. I should also mention my diet is on the average with the consumption of foods never a majority of one or the other. Im just glad that I can reason this out and associate it with stress, cause no other factors were seeming viable. lets just say Im relieved to have found this post.

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Sep 07, 2011
strep throat
by: Anonymous

I get 1-2 gout attacks a year, the usually go away pretty quickly. I've been having a monster attack after a bout of strep-throat, much worse and longer lasting than "normal."

I little web searching and I came across:
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (GN)

I suspect this is what has happened to me.

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