Ray - Gout for 20 years

I have suffered from gout for twenty years on and off and have also been a large beer drinker,however when i have received attacks they have frequently been when my diet has been salads no alcohol plenty of water,so why get gout?
I first thought weight loss too fast but it happened time and time again,my attacks are all virtually linked to stress,in fact i rarely have attacks when drinking beer maybe because im more relaxed.

good luck

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Jul 13, 2014
by: Greg

I got gout attacks from the age of 19. I didn't start drinking alcohol until I was 21. I can go through my life's history of gout, stress and anxiety being the main cause. I am now 51 years old. From being gay living a lie until I was in my thirties. to the present stress of being made redundant today. The different doctors I have, had over the years have had different views. Rich diet, alcohol, not enough exercise and to heavy. I am now having an attack and it is comforting that a new young doctor who is treating me now, has gone back on my history and noticed, the main symptom during these attacks were high blood pressure, and or some sort of crisis I was going through. If I was producing to much insulin instead of uric acid, how would I of been treated then. Diabetes seems to me , to be treated in a different way , compassion. GOUT (uric acid )sort your life out and get off the BEER.

Sep 12, 2011
Ray - Gout for 20 years
by: Terri

That's interesting.

I found that walking on the tread mill at a fat burning rate (heart rate 75%-85%= 129-149 for me) helped tremendously with my stress to avoid a gout attack.

I also think that when you burn fat (uric acid is stored in fat) that it releases the stored uric acid into your blood stream/system and if you are maxed on the uric acid already, it will put you in a gout attack.

I heard that the food you eat may not give you an attack that evening but can build up and then give you a gout attack (and perhaps takes 3 days...).

I do not drink liquor or beer at all. Yeast in beer is what gives you gout (what I hear). I try not to eat items with yeast in it but it's hard not to get any at all because even things that shouldn't have yeast, you will find in the ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar - 2 TB with 8 oz water in the a.m. before rising is helping me tremendously to keep me gout free. I'm on no other meds--but eating properly --fresh fruits/veggies, no beef, no shellfish :'(....no sodas, only a little coffee :'(.....It's hard sometimes and I will cheat once in a while. One day I felt bad so I did another ACV in the evening because my elbows/arms bones were hurting. That took care of it. Then resumed with more in the a.m.

Take care. Terri

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