Gout triggered by Stress

by Adam West
(Atlanta, GA USA)

You are accurate in your assessment. I have had a few bouts with Gout in the last five years and started doing research on the causes and keeping records of my history of flair ups. After avoiding shellfish completely (high in purines) and limiting or deleting other foods that cause Gout, I was able to determine my primary cause of Gout.
My records documenting the dates and severity of Gout confirmed for me that my primary trigger of Gout is stress. My history showed that I once had a flair up in December do to financial stress of the holidays. Another time I had a bout during the loss of 2 loved ones in a one week period. I had about once during a stressful trip in which I had to drive more than 12 hours to my destination. Finally, I can confirm your theory on alcohol, as I once had 2 minor bouts in 6 month period in which I abstained from any drinking. Job related stress may have also contributed to the problem with Gout. I advise anyone with Gout problems to exercise as much as possible to help control stress in your life.

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Dec 05, 2012
Stress is possible, I use Cimetidine to control gout.
by: Godwin Symons

Mr Godwin Symons
by Mr Godwin Symons
(Johannesburg South Africa)

I suffer with severe gout if untreated.

Believe me. I have spent tens of thousands of $ on normal medical treatments as well as almost all of the natural remedies.

The natural remedies are a guaranteed "PSEUDO" treatment, "NONE OF THEM WORK!". It is however possible that in cases of minor gout attacks, some of these natural remedies possibly can alleviate the pain only.

The diet factor is also an interesting phenomenon. The more I read about what diet is good and what is not, the more conflict and contradiction I find. When put in practice the so called correct diet, in many instances, the gout worsens in all of the symptoms. If "podagra" was really a disease of excesses "Kings Disease" then judging by the United States population, being a nation of extreme excess, the greater majority of those citizens should theoretically suffer from the ravages of "podagra". This reinforces my suspicions that very little is in fact known about "podagra" except a suspicion that it is caused by a uric acid build up in the blood.....! More like it is a genetic condition hence the reason it affects only a small percentage of the population.

A persons pain thresh hold is also a requirement in considering what treatment or pain killers to administer. In my case, I have an exceptionally high pain thresh hold. When/if pain treatment becomes necessary, I have to use an extremely strong painkiller with fast action.

One day I popped into a pharmacy to get some treatment for a gout attack. The pharmacist recommended that I take a course of Cimetidine 400mg maximum daily dosage. I thought that as I have willingly tried many other treatments in the past, "give it a go". Within a period of 72 hours my gout had completely cleared and I have used this treatment many times since then over the last several years. Every time, using this medication, I have had total and almost immediate success and relief. Cimetidine is an H2 blocker. Well it makes sense that it could also block the production of uric acid. At the time of writing this I was with family in Bulgaria and was struck with a particularly debilitating gout attack to my right foot. Bulgaria does not sell cimetidine at all. Went onto a course of cortizone, it helped but as the course completed, the gout flared up again about 2.5cm from the first attack. Nothing much else to do except wait to my return and start treatment with cimitedine again.

CONCLUSION: It is probably worth a gout sufferer trying to take cimitedine as a treatment, The side-effects and special precautions are minimal and could produce astounding results.

Good luck to all of you gout sufferers, my heart and sympathieze are with you.

From Godwin Symons. (South Africa) email [email protected]

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