Aches and Pain's for 3 years !!!

by Brenda

Yesterday I had finally had enough! My Shoulder hurt, my hands hurt, my hips and toe joints hurt also. I spent the morning looking up how to treat gout; it took awhile to find apple cider vinegar and then baking soda as a cure. Well... I immediately had a half spoonfull of baking soda, yuck, then I went to the store and took two table spoons of apple cider vinegar. Oh I also took motrin, because I was in a lot of pain. In two hours I felt better by 50% In 6 hours I felt 70% better. By bedtime I was 80% better. This morning I am about 90% better. All of the other posts said it would take 2 days. Well it took me 12 hours. I did take 2 tablespoons of ACV last night, and I plan to take some this morning also. I did feel less hungry yesterday, and I did drink a ton of water also.Today I plan to just do ACV and water.... I am Sooo happy I didn't have to go to the Dr. and spend more $. I feel sooo much better!!!!

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Dec 26, 2010
Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Anonymous

Would you please let me know where did you buy the Apple Cider Vinegar? I am having gout attack for the last 6 years. Thanks for your help.


It depends on what country you are in.
In the USA you can order through Bragg calling Call to Order (800) 446.1990
or visit the website
They have organic Apple cider, or in the UK online at

or in Australia, Coles or Woolworths, or health food stores.
Make sure you get the ORGANIC VERSION WITH MOTHER IN IT. ( cloudy substance at bottom of bottle )

Good luck

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