by Carol Ho
I had been suffering from heavy menses for about almost two years due to some lady's common health problems. My elder sister Joy Ho suffered heavy menses as well. She advised me to mix 1 oz of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV with the mother) and a quarter of teaspoonful of Baking Soda together with 8 oz of lukewarm or cold fresh drinking water. First let the bubble in the mixture settle down within a minute before drinking it on an empty stomach 15 minutes or more before breakfast and the same 15 minutes or more before dinner. Immediately gaggle with tap water for a few times to prevent the acid of ACV from damaging the enamel of our teeth. Twice per day of consumption before, during and after menses is advisable, if we need to see an excellent result of such effective home remedy so affordable so quickly, unless we are contracting a more serious lady's health problem! After faithfully using such home remedy for two weeks last year, my next menses was reduced by half and for several months this year, I hardly bleeded so much during my menses. For your other info, if ACV causes us ladies to urinate too often, please use Cranberry capsules or juice once after any meal to prevent urinary tract infection (UTI). I heard UTI may easily cause bladder cancer in women. But ACV can never cause bladder cancer! Thank God!
For those who have heart problems, particularly a common problem relating to blood circulation or some blockages in their heart which might require some prescribed heart pills, be sure that ACV is one of the safer blood-thinning home remedies that which may help a lot to improve heart condition but do not use more than a quarter of teaspoon of Baking Soda in each mixture because the chemical composition of Baking Soda is NaHCO3. It is a kind of salt as well and heart patient should use less salt.
For your inspiration: Nothing ventured nothing gained.
My name is Carol Ho from Singapore.
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM