apple cider vinegar cure

by Francisco
(Houston, Texas)

Thanks a million!!!!
Had a bad flare and I had to work in the next 2 days and did not wanted to go to the
MD because I knew the drug they use is hard on the liver, so as soon as I saw cures
with cider vinegar, I said to myself let's check it out, after all I had heard my grandmother said good things about the stuff.
As soon as I read people to feel better in 2 hours, I said, this is for me too!!! so,
let me tell you, my left middle toe was black, as soon as my wife saw it, she thought
it may be gangrene, nothing good,..... so I immediatly went to get a couple bottles and got my first fix, then while it began to work, started reading more stuff about it, then, the next day it felt better, and the next day I went to work like nothing had happened, so I am very greateful, and felt like I had to share this with you and all for the benefit of others and for your records, and as proof the vinegar WORKS.

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Mar 15, 2016
My ACV results
by: Anonymous


ACV is doing the trick, I keep taking it every now and then and keep from drinking alcoholic drinks, red beef, sardines and shrimp, I'll do eat them every now and then, also a drink or two, but I follow it with ACV to neutralize the effect, and no more problems with it, and my blood results show my acid level normal.


May 09, 2012
by: Dean

I can't believe it works but it does--cherry juice never did a thing for me. I'm amazed.

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