by Susan
( McComb, Mississippi, USA)
My husband has been in excruciating shoulder pain for the past few weeks. This comes around at least once a year but sometimes the pain is in the feet. He has been on a steady diet of pain meds and nsaids until one night I read online about acv. I went into the bedroom, where he was rolling around in pain, and gave him a glass of water with acv. I wrapped his shoulder in a cloth soaked in acv and wrapped a dry cloth over that. He said the relief was almost instant. The next day I went to the store and bought a gallon of acv and he has been taking the 3 teaspoons in water 3 times a day and wrapping the shoulder whenever he's in bed or relaxing. So far it seems to be doing the trick. Since his pain is sometimes in the foot and sometimes the shoulder, we think it must be gout in both places. I have heard of others having gout in the shoulder. Anyway, so far so good. Another thing acv seems to help is sinus headaches. I usually wake up with one every morning, but a couple of nights ago I read online that if you drink the acv in water it will help this problem. So for the past 2 nights I have had the acv in 8 oz of water and no headache in the morning. I hope this helps others to at least try it.
Comments for Apple Cider Vinegar helps Gout and Sinus Headaches
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM