Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets

by Mrs Johnson
(South Africa)

My husband is a cronic gout sufferer and endures a lot of pain because of it. I know I will not be able to get him to drink the ACV mixture, so now I am wondering if the Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets will have the same effect on his gout. Has anyone tried it yet?

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Jul 04, 2022
by: Anonymous

I take uloric and it works very well and no side effects.i have found these alternative meds are mostly weak and do not work well.

Jan 27, 2012
by: Terri

I haven't tried tablets. I am pretty succesfull with the apple cider vinegar. I know how you feel about you thinking your husband won't drink the vinegar--it is hard to take at first but you know, when you realize it makes you well, it is well worth the agony of drinking it. It gets easier. I found that 2 tablespoons in 8 oz of water first thing in the morning when I wake up and sometimes needed the last thing at night really works best for me. I do not want to go on gout meds that really don't work that well anyway and they have bad side effects. The natural way is better....2 liters water/day, rarely eating beef or shellfish (or tuna), eating fruits 3 meals a day and veggies 2 meals a day is a healthier way to be. God Speed.

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