baking soda kills parasites and also toe nail fungus

by Tony
(Ottawa, Canada)

I took a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in the evening. in the morning I had a bowel movement and i noticed that there was a dead parasite about 2 inches long with transparent skin and i could see it had small amounts of food digested in its body.
I also decided to try this on my toe nail fungus so I made a paste of baking soda and water and i applied it topically to the toe nail as I could under the nail. The next morning the majority of the fungus was gone.

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Aug 20, 2019
Yes, it works.
by: Suez

I started taking b.soda to help my Gerd. After a couple months I noticed little rice like things in my poo. I was shocked, and went to the internet to see if soda could kill parasites. And it said yes it can! And by the way, anyone can have parasites, as you can get them in many ways you never even thought of! Just walking through the grass barefoot for one, and don't forget our pets also, just for a couple ways.

Dec 13, 2014
one of the best
by: Rob

For thousands of years theyve all used it right back to at least 500 bc.
look at cancer, it was not around so much till the forties onwards. Thats down to the said heler cell but thats another story.

Bicarbonate of soda or bakeing soda is the way to go if you want to keep your body alkaline.

Oct 24, 2011
baking soda and toe nail fungus
by: tony

thanks for that by the way did you notess the twiching and scratching and you probly dont roll around as much any more,after you took your med,s because this is what has happened to me after i killed those parasites, have to go take care.

Oct 18, 2011
Baking soda
by: Terri

Gross, but interesting. I took parasite medicine (bought from the health food store) for 6 weeks because of an article I read in the chiropractic magazine because if I had any parasites, I wanted them gone! I got great sleep from it and my stomach felt great but had no parasites--Thank God! I cannot imagine having those things in my body--that's a horror! lol....If there's one, there's probably more....probably should do some regimen to kill them all. Take care.

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