by les
Ive started Baking soda to treat my gout after 15yrs of recurrent episodes in my toes,finger,heel,ankle,my gout at present,nowhere,,,, I know without any doubt its due to BAKING SODA treatment,I take small teaspoon on rising,one mid afternoon one at bedtime,ive taken it for one month,sounds even to me stupid,Ive been on cocktails of Iodine,diclofenac allerpurenol,advil,arthrotec,poisoning my system,i might be poisoning my system now,but im pain free,,an you all know thats the goal were all looking for,Im 53 yrs old Ive added some,starflower oil;1000mg,flaxseed 1000mg,litozan rose hip 6 caps daily,all natural extracts,2 boxes of bs cost me £1.50 what a joke,,,ive had my blood levels taken they were fine,but i do understand were all different,so be careful to simply,be careful,,my blood levels could change anytime,i know,but this remission would of been worth it good luck to anyone suffering,take care,if my message helped 1 gout sufferer Im humbled by the thought,,
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May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM