by Ron Satcher
(Aragon, Georgia)
My mixture of drink is 1 cup of pure honey into an empty gallon milk jug. I'm talking about the kind of honey that comes straight from the hives my dad worked for 40 years. Add at least a pint of VERY hot water to dissolve the honey. To this, add 1 quart of ACV, 1 quart of pure grape juice and 1 quart of apple juice - neither from concentrate. Top off the gallon jug with tap water.
I refrigerate this and drink 8 ounces every morning. It smells bad and tastes worse, but in less than a year, my cholesterol went from a total of 234 to 151. That was 12 years ago.
I have chronic high blood pressure (thanks MOM!)and find that mediation strong enough to keep it controlled affects too many other things in my body, so my doctor and I talked a few times, and she coaxed me to the conclusion that ACV is good for your body. Now, my morning regimen is a "normal" dose of daily HCTZ for the blood pressure, and 8 ounces of this concoction. 12 years later, my cholesterol total is still at 166.
Comments for Cholesterol and ACV
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM