Don in NC - my gout story

by Don
(Louisburg, NC USA)

I just discovered your site today as I lay in bed with the gout again. I guess I follow most of the routines that everyone else does when it comes to eating the wrong foods and paying the price later. It seems to be a battle of trying to keep the diet under control by balancing the good foods against the bad. Of course the foods for Gout prevention are generally not as much fun to eat, so every once in awhile I stray to far into the land of "fun to eat" foods. I get the gout under control and then "forget" that I'm not a kid anymore (I'm 68 years old!) and can not continue the steady diet of highly seasoned steaks, seafood, pastas, creams, sauces,etc. that bring on this hedious condition. Gout is something that I would not wish on my worst enemies...well maybe for no more than 5 minutes (once), just so they would know how to be thankful for a gout free life. For me, it ranks right up there with a kidney-stone, which is something I had once and hopefully never again. Maybe I was someone's worst enemy and they wished it on me that once, so I would know how good it feels not to have one..chuckle chuckle.
I think I am going to give this ACV thing a try and "try" to be consistent with it. It seems the key to success with gout control is "consistency" with the prevention measures. In fact I know this is true, because everytime I become "inconsistent," I get that familiar painful reminder by being "out of commission" for a few days. By the time that "little twinge" becomes severe enough to make it on my radar screen, it's too late to avoid the attack, and that's just plain stupid on my part. Paying attention to that little twinge of onset pain that is so easily ignored is vital.
Also, there is a "uric acid level kit" available out there on the net that I may look into.

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Jun 29, 2012
Easy non naturel remedy.
by: Anonymous

Don. I have advised many people on this site and others. Just take a maximum dose of Lenamed 400. It is not a gout cure, but hits at the problem and within 3 to 4 days you will never know that you had an attack. I use it frequently and believe me it WORKS. Don't waste your time and money with the herbal\natural remedies. If you need more info my email is [email protected]. From Godwin.

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