Gout and About

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

Are you feeling pain in your joints? Do you notice your toe to be red, inflamed and sore? Have you been eating foods that are high in purine such as beans, peanuts, innards, anchovies, sardines and the like? Or have you been drinking beer incessantly? If your answers to all of these questions are “yes” then you could probably be experiencing the painful Gouty Arthritis.

Gouty Arthritis is considered as one of the painful rheumatic condition affecting mostly men than women in the middle years. It is caused by the accumulation of uric acid brought about by the usual daily diet of a person. Although intake of High Purine foods is just one of the many aspects of having gout, it is the most common and basically the most ignored cause.

Avoiding high purine food like alcoholic beverages, processed or cured meats like ham and bacon, organ meats, legumes, meat extracts or gravies and mushrooms could help eliminate gout attacks. However, any person could completely avoid having high levels of uric acid by simply maintaining a well balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and water, exercise and maintaining an ideal body weight. Having said this, you are advised not to do any kind of “crash dieting” or rapid weight loss programs as they too, increase uric acid levels in your system.

Living a life afflicted with Gouty Arthritis is one of many things you do not want to experience. So make the change today. Pack up on fruits and vegetables, low dairy food sources, vitamin C enriched foods, salmon and tuna which are excellent source of essential fatty acids and choose to live healthy. You owe it to your family, you owe it to yourself.

Alesha Wilson

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Jul 22, 2012
Not necessary to check your diet at all!
by: By Godwin Symons

Alesha. I appreciate your letter on gout. There is a medicine that is cheap, has extremely little side effect and is 100 effective. Take Lenamet, (cimitedine) 400mg 4 times daily. After 2 days you should be almost totally clear of gout. If you catch gout at its onset. It will never manifest but you will successfully arrest it. Cimitedine is an H2 blocker, however it is totally successful as a gout cure. I came onto this by my pharmacist. All the best to you. From Godwin. [email protected]

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