Gout Relief

by Bejoy
(co, usa)

When an attack of gout happens or to prevent a gout attack after all things failed ( other than potent drugs), I found that keeping the feet (or joint) hot and under pressure ( not too much as to prevent blood circulation) eventually clears the uric acid deposition from the area. Its best to wear two warm socks and shoes(or loafers) and keep it on during an attack. During sleep keep the socks on and cover your legs with a blanket. You can along with try the innumerable remedies available on the web like baking soda, apple cider vinegar, cherries etc to aid in the removal of uric acid and the usual potent painkillers and drugs like allopurinol etc. As the heat and external pressure build up in the area the crystals will dissolve. It seems the some have a tendency to store uric acid like fat for later reuse. The soft area around the joints which are cold is the ideal place to store it. Prevent the storage and body keeps it circulating or disposes it. Hope this helps.

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Aug 10, 2011
That was really good quality help for me, thank you Sir. Uncle Rod
by: Anonymous

That was really good quality help for me, thank you Sir. Uncle Rod

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