it did not work 4 me YET

by nick c.
(Toronto, Canada)

Hello Peter,
my name is nick and now live in Canada, I just turn 65 last February and suffered with gout attacks since 1987.. yes, a long time.

Since then had many attacks some mild and some not... the one that just show up on July 2-2011 is lasting a little to long for comfort :-)

Now we are on July 23-2011... I did not do much out of the ordinance this time and followed your recipes hoping it will work better then anything else I done before...(but in the rush to do it, I did not pay attention of the dose) so I took ACV in large doses for about 6 days... wow, that was something...

I have been out of alcohol for more then 20 years and drinking large dose of Apple Cider Vinegar was something else, likely I diluted pretty good with a glass of water all the times :-)

Well, to make the story short.. it did not do much... or at list, I did not see any improvements since it is still here...after 12 days... dammit :-) I was really hoping it would work and in my mind I say to my self... finally something I do not mind doing and using for the rest of my life if that would work...

Anyway, now I just come back on your site and noticed that you used only one tablespoon of honey, water and ACV... I used much, much more (probably 6 tablespoons full) and diluted with an 8 OZ glass of water..

Not sure if that was the reason of not working for me, so today I took only one tablespoon or each, water and ACV... no honey, I am vegan so I stay away from using honey... but I will use stevia to alleviate the hard taste of vinegar since I could feel it was strong in my stomach :-)

This gout attack was severe... I had many others mild attacks before.. so this time took me by surprise....

My 100% vegan diet is almost 100 non uric acid forming... that was what I thought anyway, so now I have gone back to my notes from way back when... and found out a lot of the food I eat... like bread (the yeast and white flour part)and white flour pasta produce uric acid, and being Italian you can imagine how much I eat correct?

Last night I buy a report that guaranteed to cure gout and today will go out buying what he recommend to eat... it is all natural and if interested, here is the link...

Please note this is my affiliate link since I buy with my affiliate account to save money... if you or someone else use this link, it will support my income earning. THANKS.

You can do the something I did.. went to the link... click the "affiliate" link below, signed up, got my affiliate link and purchase the report at a discount...

Not sure how are your finances, but mine are not as great YET, so I always look for ways to save... hope this helps you and others.

I like to thank you for having this site... hope it really helped you and others with what you recommend and I also hope the smaller dose of ACV and water with stevia I start to take today will do the trick in my system and I will be gout free in a few days and for ever...

In health.. always!!!
nick c.

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Jun 10, 2012
ACV Didn't work for your gout
by: Peter

Well Nic,

Did your purchase work for you?

ACV does not work for everyone, it is worth trying as a treatment, but if it doesn't do anything then try something else, like Baking soda, Lots of water, cold packs, heat packs, Celery oil etc. There are hundreds of potential treatments out there. You may have pseudo gout which is treated differently. Get a uric acid blood test to see if it is Gout?

Let everyone know how you are going in your treatments.

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