NSAID's had horrible side effects

by Tyler P.

I am 32, tall, slender and active, not the "typical" gout candidate. I was diagnosed after my big toe felt like it was going to fall off or catch fire! I am an active skier and climber and self-diagnosed my toe for a bunion. The doc. took one look and said "you have gout". I had been drinking a lot of 3.2% beer and BBQ lately as I was laid up on a knee injury. He prescribed me Endomethician which had horrific side effects for me. Constipation and runny stools, it was awful.

I quit taking the meds early figuring what was worse. Then I stumbled on this wonderful web site. I began taking 1 TSP of baking soda in the morning, noon, early evening and night. My pain cleared up in 2 days. This is the third day since beginning the baking soda. I am thinking of lowering the does to once in the morning and once at night.

I am very grateful for this site and it's information. I am figuring out which maintenance will work best for a future flare up ( I love beer!!!), the apple cider vinegar seems to like a good way to go as with drinking lots of water. I know its been said before but I am glad to have my life back thanks!!!!


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Jun 10, 2012
Your Gout
by: Sonny

Good on you Tyler, keep up the water and diet and you are on your way.

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