Can any kind of vinegar help gout sufferers, or does it have to be ACV with "mother"? AND, I like the taste of ACV. Can I just take a deep swallow from the jug, or do I have add to water? Please respond to these questions. The pain is sooo bad, and I have a three day wait till I go to the doctor!!!!!
You can drink just plain ACV, but NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL. Plain ACV is great for cooking only.
For the best results it is best to drink unfiltered ACV. The Mother in unfiltered ACV contains acetic acid bacteria which has added benefits for helping maintain gout.
The main reason for drinking unfiltered ACV is to resore alkaline acid balance in the blood.IF you can maintain this then you are half way there to helping maintain your Gout.
I would strongly recommend NOT drinking ACV straight out of a bottle or Jug. You must thin it down first. If you drink it straight you can burn your throat, damage the enamel on your teeth, burn your esophagus and digestive tract,if you have osteoporosis then be careful as ACV can cause low blood potassium.
It is best going to a health store and getting the real organic version with "Mother" in it, as many brands of plain ACV may be just colored acetic acid. Stick to Organic ACV,as it is the best and mix it with water and possibly honey, and make sure you tell your doctor that you want to take AVC and the ramifications it may have on you.
When you are at the doctor , ask for a blood test to test for uric acid levels, and if you are prescribed medicine for Gout then ask the doctor questions and research about side effects. Many if not all Gout medicine will have long and short term side effects which can be detrimental to your health.
If you ask your doctor many questions then you will be better informed.
Good luck in your gout fight.
Comments for Question about Apple Cider Vinegar and Gout
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM