
by Rodger

I did take Baking Soda (Bicarb) for Gout and suffered no ill effect. I took 4 level teaspoons an hour apart and it disappeared. I had previous attacks and knew the tingling like contractions in my big toe was a warning. I have used Baking Soda Bi-Carb) regularly and never had any issues with Gout since. Gout is caused by high Uric Acid levels in the blood> The reason I have high Uric Acid levels is I have Sarcoidosis. One benefit I have identified over time is that taking 3 heaped teaspoons per day reduces my inflammation symptoms such as red marks below my knees, patches of rough skin on my face and pain in my hips and reduces areas of skin where I have lost sensation on my toes, feet and fingers. Regarding sodium levels I have normal blood pressure and do not take any medications. I have never had any of the symptoms mentioned above. In hind sight I might have avoided Duodenal ulcers 10 years ago if I had known the body actually produces Baking Soda (Bi-Carb) and it is produced and regulated between the Pancreas and Kidneys and if you do not produce enough alkaline digestive juices (via the Pancreas) you will burn a hole in your Duodenum - an ulcer. The explanation about the source of the duodenum ulcer came from my doctor.
Note my use of the term "BIcarb" different countries use different terms for Sodium Bicarbonate, "Bicarb" is the abbreviation used in Australia. In the US the term "Baking Soda" is used for Sodium Bicarbonate. In Australia and other countries there is a product "Baking Powder" this is not Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate. The crucial identifier for Sodium Bicarbonate is it includes Sodium.

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