I have been a sufferer of gout for 40 years on and off usually controlled with medication. at 69 and still have bouts of gout in my feet hands and knees I decide to radically change my diet from my usual high meat high beer diet to 1 of high fruit and water. I have cut out all muscle meat bacon beer and as much processe3d food as possible.I STILL DRINK BEER TWICE A WEEK (4-5 beers)and alcohol everyday but it is now brandy and apple juice. I also have a tablespoon of organic cider vinegar every day. The results have been great My feet have never felt better and I am losing weight. So the old adage still applies You are what you eat.
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM