by edward haynes
(manila ph)
i have anorher page also. less food intake. i made two new discoveries recently. ill call it vinegar therapy. also bragg is the best. but the second best is good to. heinz apple cider vinegar has almost as many benefits. braggs suddenly isn't avalable due to dry summer. 2nd one is availble world wide too. its coconut sap venegAr. best tasting is titled spiced tuba venegar. product of philippines. but anywhere coconut is grown. it has also ginger garlic red pepper onion salt sugar pepper. add water same as acv. two tablespoons 8oz water both drink am pm either or both but take acv sure for gout. thank you. live young again.
May 08, 24 08:57 PM
Aug 25, 21 03:59 AM
Apr 22, 20 07:19 AM